I’m Teagan the traveling teacher. I graduated from Penn State with a degree in Elementary Education/Special Education and later on a Masters in Curriculum Instruction E.S.L from Nebraska. After teaching in the U.S. for a short time, I moved overseas to teach. This is where I have been since 200

I have traveled to over 35 countries, lived in 15 countries, and taught in South Korea, Saudi Arabia, China, and Taiwan among others. My goal is to help you to travel and teach in different countries with ease. It can be hard to find all the information you need moving around, but it can be a breeze.
I teach in the classroom now in Taiwan, but when traveling I teach online. I travel within the country when not overseas. It is not hard to travel on a budget as a teacher and I always get the question “How do I travel this much as a teacher?” or “You must be rich to travel all the time.”.
Let me tell you I am not rich and travel just on my teaching salary. This is how I got the idea to write this blog. I have researched and done all the leg work already to find the cheapest and most effective way to travel. So you can just learn from me to get the most out of your travels.
I am always open to working with others, so if you have an idea you want to work on with me or are curious about something, feel free to shoot me a message!
Have a question or suggestion? Want to collaborate? I’d love to hear from you!
Reach me at Tr********************@pm.me, @travelingteacherteagan or Linkedin. or